We are Self and we hope you are yourselves too. That?s probably the most secure thing you can be in this world - although you shouldn?t get us wrong. We don?t mean by this your fulfilment at any cost. It?s more about everybody taking a little bit more care of each other.

Today the power is in the hands of economy. It?s what dominates not only our lives but also politics and therefore the only thing we had to regulate the power of economy. And because everyone of us just wants to survive a little and because we all want to have a little fun time after time we give way to economics pressure. We get our schedule of work presented with a huge amount of information - not because it?ll be necessary but because it?s a nice decoration for modern life. None of us - to be honest - is able to keep an overall view. And having an internet access doesn?t really help too: "this golden age of communication means everybody talks at the same time" (Justin Sullivan, taken out of a song by New Model Army).

So what can we do if we don?t want to drown? We just go surfing a little bit. If ever possible we like to hand in our responsibility at the checkroom. That?s only human. And one day we find ourselves in places where all you are allowed to do is to function, to have a job or get yourself a job really quick and on saturday you have to go shopping. That?s normal.

The memebers of Selber are living in a place this nightmare has already become true. Our hometown is perfectly organised for working and shopping and a lot of people failed to cope with this. They all have a job, a car and a bank account but on the way they all lost themselves a little bit. That?s what we are talking about in our songs. And that?s the reason we worship the shark: it?s the only natural enemy of surfers. It?s not too bad being a bit afraid of getting attacked. Sometimes it just hits the board sometimes the leg and very few it gets the whole rest too. But we don?t want the world revolution it just would be nice if everybody?d be trying a bit harder to do his best to take a bit care and to really be itself.